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The ultimate guide to Probationary Periods

Probationary periods are there to protect you from a bad hire. Here’s everything you need to know

Hiring new employees is always a risk…

No matter how well someone comes across in an interview, or how vast their experience is, until they start working for you, you have no idea how it will all work out.

That’s why most companies offer a probationary period – It gives you time to make sure they’re right for the job and it gives the employee time to make sure it’s right for them too.

I’ve written a new ultimate guide to probationary periods, which details:

• What a probationary period is
• How contractual rights are affected
• How long it can last
• What you’re looking for during this time
• How to review your new hire’s performance
• What happens at the end of the probationary period
• Tips to make the probationary period a success

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About the Author

Emma is an HR expert and specialises in helping small businesses with all their HR needs.  She understands your industry and the challenges you come up against every day. She also understands the challenges of growing your business and hiring staff. Emma has written this guide to help you understand exactly what you need to consider and plan for when hiring your first employee.

Why am I giving this away for free?

Giving you all this valuable information at no cost is the best way for you to learn about me and what I can do to help improve your HR.  Maybe we’ll go on to do some work together in the future. Maybe we won’t. Either way, there’s no obligation to use my services in the future.

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Ultimate guide to probationary periods

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